Sunday, June 18, 2006

Simplicity (and the inspectors cometh)

I haven't got much time to do anything on Scrivener or the typewriter emulator this weekend. I wish the reason for this was that I am too busy enjoying Father's Day and spending quality time with T. and O., but no... It's actually because OFSTED have announced that they are inspecting our school this week, so all my plans and paperwork have to be spick and span, up-to-date and perfect, etc etc. Ugh.

I have been having some thoughts, though (just as well). Right now, I'm really enjoying using and messing with my typewriter emulator. It feels good - it reminds me of the buzz I got from writing on my mother's old typewriter, back when I first wanted to write. It also makes me wonder if I shouldn't simplify everything else. As soon as I have time this week, I think I'm going to put together a very simple application that incorporates the typewriter application along with my corkboard view. If I can fit an outliner in there too, all the better. Complete simplicity, but useful... I'm beginning to think that the best prorams are the simplest, and maybe Scrivener should go completely spartan. Watch this space: .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I inspection went well. Yes, simplicity seems to be key when it comes to writing environments. These are the things I like, and use, in Scrivener:

1. The ability to organize my work in folders and documents.
2. An index card associated with each document.
3. Full screen mode.
4. The ability to export it in RTF format.

If you add a global search and replace to the mix, you'll get a very spartan, yet completely usable writers environment.

7:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the inspection went well. Yes, simplicity seems to be key when it comes to writing environments. These are the things I like, and use, in Scrivener:

1. The ability to organize my work in folders and documents.
2. An index card associated with each document.
3. Full screen mode.
4. The ability to export it in RTF format.

If you add a global search and replace to the mix, you'll get a very spartan, yet completely usable writers environment.

7:45 am  
Blogger kayembi said...

The inspection went very well - thanks. All of the things you mention will remain, as they are the key aspects of Scrivener for me, too. Everything else is getting radically simplified, though, and I know that some beta-testers won't be impressed (but at least they will always be able to use Scrivener Gold). Outlining and index cards will be much improved, whilst the ability to import images, PDF files etc directly is going to be removed, given that you can already place any of these files into a text view, so even without dedicated views for these files you will still be able to paste them in for research purposes. Everything will be single-window, too. I'm aiming for a more focussed, streamlined writing tool that doesn't get too "baggy monster"-ish (to use a Henry James phrase).

10:16 am  

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